As powerful pieces of drift-wood brought ashore – these beams can also be light when they are made to fly by the artist.
Suspended by gold chains and swing defying gravity. is an another example of duality. They are lightly worked on, the secular wooden texture sometimes inlayed with gold pieces.

Constance de Monbrison, curator, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris
Comme échouées sur la grève, les poutres peuvent aussi être légères lorsqu’elles quittent la terre. Travail minimal, incrustation aléatoire d’or dans le bois.
Suspendue par des chaînes en or, balançoire défiant la gravité, est un autre exemple de dualité.
Ben Salabay Temple Drawing


The Temple is one of the rare vestiges of the Ming Dynasty. Transformed by the Communist Party into a factory producing television sets, it later became derelict. In 2011, the art collector Juan van Wassenhove turned it into the Temple, which was renovated using raw materials found on the site and most notably hosted James Turrell’s “Open Sky” installation.